The following is quoted from 20th Century Abolitionist Benjamin Tucker, Editor Of “Liberty” Newspaper
“Well, now, my hearers of tonight, though chattel slavery has been abolished from our country, we have yet other wrongful and destructive things established among us which, in their turn, shall be brought to the judgment of justice. Take notice, then, of a few of the features of John Brown’s revolutionary action:
John Brown acted under his own authority, or, as he himself said, 'under the auspices of John Brown,' by the power of his own manhood, in behalf of right and man’s rights.
He took the responsibility, seeking no sanction other than that of his own conscience.
He did not refrain from action because he was weak, nor wait till the majority was on his side. 'I acknowledge no master in human form,' said John Brown.
John Brown did not hesitate to confront the government and all its menaces.
He stood by himself against all the established shows of the day — political, ecclesiastical, and pecuniary.
John Brown violated law and the laws.
John Brown believed in destroying wrongful institutions by the sword, when no other way was available.
John Brown believed in fighting for others, in giving his life for the freedom of slaves.
John Brown took no heed of self-interest, obloquy, petty prudence, or the condemnation and vengeance of the times.
John Brown put his whole soul in his work, and gave it all he had, his own life and his four sons, three of whom fell by his side.
Yet withal, John Brown was a practical and sensible man, the attestation of which are his work and his success.
If it be not for us of today to imitate John Brown’s action, well were it for us to possess the qualities of soul that underlay it.
Other times need other work and ways of other men. Man rises to each occasion. For every emergency, bountiful nature furnishes the man.”