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All We Really Are Is Spirit - A Powerful Story

Sara Cross

“The quality of your life isn’t determined by whether you’re healthy or sick or rich or poor, It’s determined by what you make out of your experience as a human being.” - Claire Wineland

They say that the mind is the most powerful tool we can possess. Unfortunately, when I say “they,” I mean the majority of the people on this planet who are all trapped in ego identification (beast consciousness) and are addicted materialists. Even though “they” are correct in the statement, “they” really have no idea what it truly means. It is said in a way that is to push people towards a physical based material achievement.

Such as... going to college to get a piece of paper that claims you are good at a skill, buying (or rather renting from the bank) a house and having a mortgage, having a family and giving them all the modern day “toys” that keep them in a happy trance, supporting the government by “being a good citizen” and paying your taxes (because what about the roads!?!).

The mind IS the most powerful tool we have in the physical realm. And our greatest gift because it has the potential to give us everything. But not for the reasons most people think. It gives us the ability to expand ourselves in the physical AND in the non-physical. If people were to let go of the addiction to the physical realm they could figure out that the mind not only has the ability to affect the physical but can also affect the non-physical. No matter how humans came into existence physically, ultimately we are all fractions of Spirit (or God or Source or That Which Set All Things Into Motion or Whatever You Want To Identify It).

All we really are is Spirit. All other personal “identities” we give ourselves in this current physical body are beside the point and in the end are hardly relevant. Spirit connects to our highest self and this connects to our mind. From this statement one might think I am saying your mind is your brain. No. Your brain is just what has the ability to house your mind. I would even include in this the heart. So I guess I would even rephrase that statement. The brain and heart are the temporary house for the MIND while we are in a manifested physical shell.

For anyone wondering, I include the heart in this due to the heart having neurons just like the brain. The brain thinks with thought. The heart thinks with emotion. From this body creates with action. The mind has the ability to manifest anything in reality. This means when one has proper intention, a physical or non-physical result can occur. It does not matter whether it is small or large in regards to the situation. It could be about wanting a dog for your birthday or wanting someone you love to recover from illness. The intention one puts into the thought is the force that creates the physical result. When one follows a path to bring something into physical reality and true intention is present, one will experience THOUGHT, EMOTION, and ACTION. In that order.

One first needs the THOUGHT that they require something to take place (brain), then one feels the EMOTION that one would have if this has happened (heart) and then finally an ACTION takes place to make it physically manifest (body). This is the natural progression of attraction. This is how Spirit wants to operate in its’ natural state.

This happens always. Regardless of any belief. Whether the individual is practicing this in a positive way or a negative way. Whether the result is good or bad. All people can have this effect. Intention is only a tool and can be used for whatever the individual desires.

Here is the main issue as to why people do not understand or do not think that this sort of ability is real. Their ego is in the way. Period. When one lets their ego go, they will finally be able to operate reality as Spirit intends. Sara Cross, who shares with us these insights, details her own experience:

“I will give an example of a personal experience I had that proved to me (as this is the only way one can prove such a thing to themselves) that this is a real occurrence.

The year 2008 something started happening to me that began a process of personal spiritual evolution. Of course, I had no idea that this was taking place. I was a different person. I was like everyone else. I was a fearful, ego driven, materialist just like almost everyone else I knew. In 2008 I was 24 years old. I was in a foreign country cornered into an unhealthy marriage and had a small child. Despite having advancing adult CF I worked multiple jobs and abused my own body physically (mostly with alcohol and sometimes with drugs) and was developing into the kind of person who systematically ruins their own life by playing the victim in the situation they have been born into. I was digging myself a very deep grave.

That year something in me changed. It was like I snapped out of “something”. I did not just become self-aware however, it was more like “something” in my mind broke. I woke up one day and while still lying in bed just said out loud to myself “I can’t do this anymore.” I don’t even know what possessed me to say it. Whatever made me think that this was the life I had no choice but to live in was no longer present. It is only now in today's current state of mind I would look back on this and recognize it as my fraction of Spirit talking to me.

I left the situation I was in and changed my current physical condition. I moved into a place of my own. I found out not that long after that my lung capacity was only about 15 percent. To those who do not know how to picture that imagine what it feels like to have approximately 300 pounds strapped around your chest continuously and you can only breath through a straw. Look at a 25 cent piece. That is how much space 15 percent looks like. That is how much space I had in my lungs to breath out of. This happens with CF normally. Though I did not know this at the time it is called respiratory failure. Or at least the beginning stages of it.

I got into this physical state because I was actively practicing being a fearful materialist and abusing myself. I pushed my body like all others typically do. And because my ego had something to prove to the world (being a resentful chronic lifetime patient with CF) I pushed it hard. I was given at that time by the doctors I had access to a total of MAYBE 2 years to live. This was a generous estimate on their part.

I realized I had a very difficult choice to make. I had to come to terms with reality. I had two options. I would either find a doctor who was able and willing to help me somehow or I was returning home so that my mother could organize my final arrangements. Honestly, I figured it would be the second situation. It was unlikely I could get connected with a doctor who knew enough about CF to provide some creative options in recreating some modicum of livable health. Both options meant handing over my daughter and her full care over to her father.

Leaving my daughter was the most difficult thing I have ever done. It was like chipping out a piece of my soul and putting it in a location I had almost no access to. My heart ached. All day, every day. I was actually advised to stay in the place I was in and be with my daughter till I died. Of course, no one thought about the consequences of that. No one wanted to realize that letting a 3 year old child watch a parent waste away slowly is one of the worst things one can do to a child. It isn’t the very worst but it is certainly up there towards the top of that particular list on ways to damage a child. I was not willing to put my child through such emotional child abuse. So I left her with people that I knew would never allow her to go without anything, in the very least in the physical sense.

I spent some time lost and without much direction however, miraculously, I finally did find a doctor who was willing to take me on as a patient. She did a work up on me and found that I needed to be in line with a lung transplant but before we started that process she wanted to try some other things first.

Thinking about it now she was the doctor with the creative thought process I required (remember… I had been thinking about my two options up to this point all the time). My lungs were failing and the entire bottom left portion of my lungs were rotted out. By medical standards once an organ has rot setting in there is no coming back from this. So we began a regimen of modern day drugs and treatment.

Skipping to 2014 my doctor did a new work up on me. I was now at 86% lung capacity AND… the rot in my left lung (that cannot be reversed remember) was gone! My doctor at the time even said to me that she was baffled by this and that I had a higher lung function then most people who were generally healthy. She had no idea about how the rot in my left lung just went away. She admitted that she had never seen such a turn around.

I tell this story not to bore with my life story or to create some sense of false pity for my strife. Keep your pity for those who can appreciate it. I am telling this story so that there is an idea about where my mind was in this time of my life. So that you as the reader can reflect on a time in your life where Spirit may be trying to teach or show you something or at least get your attention. Even at the end of this experience I was still a fearful, maybe not-so-much an ego driven individual and materialist but I was to some degree changing for the better. And this is what matters.

It did not occur to me what I myself was even doing with the power of my mind at this time. I was manifesting reality. I manifested up till the point in 2008, creating a negative and toxic environment for myself (and potentially the small child I had with me) and I manifested the result in 2014 by putting positive intention out with my will and training this on my end goal. I had no idea about the concept of manifesting reality. At the time I was just as shocked as everyone else.

After this event I started to learn more about things that had more spiritual weight. I learned about manifestation of reality and more about the non-physical realm of reality. A few years later I was thinking about that rocky time in my history and began to start connecting some of these dots. There had only been one stable factor in all that time. My daughter and knowing that I could not be with her again till I could care for my health.

I realized that during that time frame in my life all I ever thought about was my daughter and how one day I would be able to be with her again. I did not think about how this would be accomplished. I didn’t think about money to achieve this. I only ever thought about returning my health so I could be with my daughter. I thought about it EVERY day (THOUGHT). I imagined and felt it happening as if it were already real and had already taken place (EMOTION). I took steps consciously and subconsciously until I experienced the end result (ACTION). I had healed my body by manifesting my future reality. Modern day medical personnel were unwilling to explore it further. They washed their hands of it and said “Well, we did it and your alive. Yay.”

Some may think that this is an occurrence of modern day medicine being applied properly. Even if this is the case to an extent, modern medicine cannot change impossible situations such as reversing damage done to organs. Sara was facing an end-of-life situation. Somehow she managed to overcome that. Thinking about it all later in her life, she understood without any doubt that her recovery was due to the intention she accidentally put out using her mind and Spirit. She accepted truth and created change. After all this took place, things in her life started changing. The toxic connections she had in her youth were fading away and new positive paths were being forged in front of her. Life improved. Her past experience is just the first occurrence in her life that truly set her on to a path of self-awareness and spiritual awakening. In our worst moments in life we all feel “woe is me” self-pity but maybe that is what our highest self needs us to experience so that we can break out from the mental cage. There is a bottom and sometimes the only way to see it is to slam straight into it.

Through experiences like this we can finally see the key that is being handed to us. Sara concludes: “It took me breaking every rule I knew to take that key and open the door to the cage. I had to face death and emotional painful sacrifice just to get to this stage of growth. Since that time I have been working on walking through the door.” Better to at least be taking baby-steps than no steps at all. There is no time limit to spiritual growth and development. Take your time and experience every single moment of it because ALL of it is important. Spirit will be patiently waiting for you to take the help that is being offered. Be fearless because all you really are is Spirit.

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