If men are ever to be truly free, they must have an optimal civilization. Optimal civilization demands excellence in ten primary basics: water, sanitation, food, shelter, power, heating, cooling, lighting, telecommunication and transportation.
Civilization, by definition, is based on the city as a focal point for human development. Yet since the advent of Sumer, a city model of torment has spread and become universally adopted by nearly every city on the planet. The model rests on the 3 T’s of torment: tribute, tithes, and thievery. In modern terms, this means tyrants demanding taxes to fund public works; religious donations to aid those apparently destroyed by the inept city designs applauded endlessly; and gangster bankers—banksters, who will either get their loans paid back or your cattle, transport, home, and possessions will be added to their collections. After 6000 years, it is clear this model does nothing but promote slavery, wars and death. This was by design, for the Sumerian Stranglehold was intended for nothing less than world domination. The tyrants of the Sumerian city states began by demanding tribute: minerals, plants and animals. This also later became what was known as “burden”—a forced labor obligation to the state. Anyone trying to smuggle goods to serve as tribute or trying to escape the state labor obligation could be hunted down and imprisoned.
We are not much different today. Unbeknownst to most, as detailed in Hidden History of Humanity by Polytope Press, ancient Egypt was nothing more than a Sumerian puppet state. After a war won by Sumer preceding the very first Egyptian dynasty, Sumer corrupted the mystery school traditions of Atlantis once taught in Giza—an Atlantian legacy site.
The Sumer model was then forcibly spread to other ancient cultures, like Greece and Rome. Many famous Greeks, like Thales, Plato, Aristotle and more, were trained in this degraded mystery school before rising to prominence. So was Octavian, also known as Augustus—the very first Roman Emperor, which arose after the nobler Roman Republic and later Kingdom was degraded further to a puppet Empire state.
Money began in Sumer. It was measured in state accounts of wheat, values recorded on clay tablets in cuneiform writing. Do you know what that means? The first money was based on foodstuffs. Money could thus grow not only on trees, but in the ground. But instead of people commanding all their money for eternity by mastering how to grow their own food, money deteriorated from real backing in food, to whimsical backing by precious metals. At first the metals represented actual wheat stores. Later they represented lies about wheat stores—until money is mostly the fairy tale concoction it is today.
Supremely lazy, the Sumerian tyrants used brute force to demand ever higher amounts of tribute until the inevitable happened: war. The wars spread all over the Sumer region at first, but later it was an easy matter for the banksters to use agents sowing discontent, leading to overthrows of decent leaders in favor of those controlled by the banksters, like Cyrus the Great. Akkad, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Persia, Rome and countless others were swept away in the tide, their national identities diluted and darkened. The banksters not only minted money but tied it to cults claiming your creators were Sumerian, and you therefore owed them. Look carefully at all sun god cults and you will find they would be unrecognizable with Sumerian influence removed. The money was minted in sun god cult temples, and was stamped with esoteric Sumerian symbols—just like all such money today.
Yet in the last 6000 years, no tyrant, no cult leader, and no bankster has ever once taught people to have optimal civilization by mastering the ten basics. They never will. The only way to such mastery is to learn harmony with nature.
Water: the right natural water repels pests by its alkalinity, which also strengthens teeth and bones, and prevents many acidic based diseases. This knowledge is reinforced by Weston Price, who reports in Nutrition and Physical Degeneration that he examined, in one case, 1,276 ancient skulls and found excellent dental arches in every one. In recent times, Gerard Judd, PhD, stated that 100% of Ugandan youths aged 6-10 eating natural foods had no cavities. American youths aged 8-10 had 70% cavities. Sanitation: earth based sanitation is superior to water based, and was known in ancient times. Today we have composting toilets and living machines as invented by R. Buckminster Fuller. Food: working in harmony with nature via rock dust, complementary planting, mulching and more, crop yields could thrive with zero industrial fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides. No need for genetic modified garbage ever. Shelter: countless cost effective strong home options exist. Among them are modernized adobe, compressed earth, stone, geodesic bamboo or spruce, and many more. Power: we have all the free power we could want. Read the book Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries by Jonathan Eisen for more, or visit the Polytope Press website. Heating and Cooling: Inventions suggest we can use either modified vortex tubes and thermoacoustics to increase efficiency with low cost, but ultimately electrostatics may be the best. Lighting: ultimately, we must abandon incandescence and fluorescence in favor of enhanced phosphorescence. Until then, Blue Max offers full spectrum lights that can actually grow plants indoors. These lights are known to improve mood, behavior and intelligence—like sunlight. Telecommunication: Stubblefield and Tesla were offering options of communicating with high fidelity through the earth. Countless old patents showed this could be done—and still can. Transportation: we have water based engines, vortex engines, and even car batteries that could be recharged from the earth itself.
The options working with nature are infinite. But we will only find them when we turn away from politicians, cultists, and banksters—and return to the greatest of teachers: nature herself. (polytope.www1.50megs.com)