Is life to be lived? If so, do you partake in it's mystery, in it's joy? Place yourself in the now but with the mind of a child but without societal programming, how do you view yourself? Are you even able to know this? I'd reckon, if so, you might make fun of yourself, make silly gestures and overall enjoy the experience of life without judgment, until you have something to compare yourself to, instilling the program, the trap of the ego illusion. Now let us, with this same original and playful mind, add in the component of knowledge,. Well, with the child at heart, we wouldn't be likely to over-think, but we would know how to walk, or how to talk or do the basic things a child ponders upon in his soon ability. Thus, we actually become superior in this manner. We have the ability to navigate life but we aren't so focused on where we are exactly navigating, we are just living it out. Even without the intellect, we learn our lessons from nature or man, with the time we grow up. Ask yourself which lessons are of nature and which are of man? Are you able to also know this? The word purity or innocence, better yet spontaneity may come to mind, through this examination. Yet, in this inquiry, we are using our intellect, yet to truly answer this inquiry, it requires something else. Not thinking nor even action, but inaction, a clearing of the mind, a purification of the heart. One may go into solitude in nature to find this, but for what nature does for such an effect, you may replicate anywhere, for all is nature. Sit with yourself and breathe, get in touch with your senses, recognize your desires and attachments and how they may control you, recognize your images and how they fool you.
Recognize even more, your being as part of nature, not separate from it. Once more, we live in life, but we may attempt not to live. Do you need to use words? Do you need to have a job or go to school? Do you need to cook food? Do you even need to eat what other people eat? Do you need to read or recognize what other people read or recognize? Do you need to interpret my words or can you create your own? Do we say we have needs when in reality, they are wants? What happens when you get what you want, and what happens if you lose what you get? What happens when you think too much? What happens when you allow man made things, even the simplest of things to your view, in your life? Does any sense of the natural lose value or sense and meaning, with any lessons from the previous ages lost? What happens when the world does as you say; is that not the problem for why you say otherwise? If the world is merely man versus man, or man versus nature, is this really so to invest ourselves a part of, when in reality, man is among man and both are part of nature? Does everything not work together in this world? Why do we assume we are right, and how did we achieve such a conclusion in the first place; did it not require not assuming we are right? Why do we assume what is natural can't always be good when we have no choice but to abide to nature and is thus a standard beyond all standards? Is not bad and good just part of the whole? Have we not been wrong as to wrong, heavy as to light, hot as to warm? Why do we want to be right so much when all we have to do is just abide to an ever present world that has no standard, as it is the only standard? Why attempt to explain truth when truth can't be explained with words? Are there certain things only we can do for ourselves? Can we only point the way to others? Is not everything I say a contradiction, if you see it? Is not everything I say “wrong,” if you see the polarity and perspective?
Is not every attempt to mold nature, a form of illusion, despite the cries and calls about it's supposed reality? Truth is harsher than people think, because it actually agrees with nobody. Thus, it can only truly agree with the one who is present and simply lives, best going with the change of the world as it is, without projection, ego or attachment alike. Say otherwise, let me know, for a greater view is a view more of nature, but that view is also found among the lower and the inner, which is beyond us both, thus keeping our search for mystery if we still have our spontaneity and wu-wei; and forever we may have fun, because there is nothing that takes it down. The child no longer suppressed but not too erratic, the adult no longer programmed but not too thoughtful; neither in their claim over another, but just living. You don't need an opinion, there's too many, and too much chatter in the mind. You don't need knowledge, everyone thinks they know. You don't need an image, everyone is trying to be one. You don't need a purpose, life goes on on its own and change happens on its own. You never need to worry, what will come will come, and it's all a possibility and part of the way. You never need to think back, you are always moving forward as long as you have the present. Trust ensures the willingness to live, and there needs not be a definition for morality or anything claimed of reality with this premises.
Knowledge is great, but even greater is what creates it; and again, creation is interdependent. This claim of reality is not needed because reality will show on its own, as is the synderesis and conscience to have morality in the first place, as is life to spring of itself, as is the heart to never skip a beat, and the sun and moon in it's course. Shall nature change, so be it and it is what it is, don't think of it doing any wrong, for even what man can do, nature will solve on it's own. If nature is the answer, then you need not even ask question or contemplate how it is, it is given. If something is right in front of you or within you or on you, what determines that you see or sense it? Now you shall know what to do, and every ancient teacher said to do it. You may worry and ask about letting go to being obedient and going with the flow of governments and slave systems, but if you let go, you would not be obedient to such things, you'd be obedient to nature, in following her way alone, as it is beyond illusion, it has no material or indoctrinative dependence; and by inaction, the system falls apart on its own, with no knowledge nor morality nor convincing nor understanding statism at all. This ends all evil, as it would eventually cease to have a name, as nature's evil is mere process. What will actually get people to just be? Any practice of which nature is the answer, is realized, comes first. It's authority is emphasized by alone unlearning statism, it may be through a multitude of methods. Then from one profound realization, as is the history of all abolitionism, we may observe another until we arrive at wu-wei. As in the words of Laozi, the scholar learns something everyday, the sage unlearns something everyday.