We are told what to think, we may sometimes be told how to think or we are distracted from thinking, but when do we ever consider to consciously not think. If a video were to give you absolute silence, would you watch it? If a page were blank, would you use it? If your life is for happiness and fun, do you have to think about it? If it was freedom you wanted in life, do you have to deeply analyze how you achieve it? Well if it's freedom you desire, that insinuates there is something holding it back, something that is the opposite of freedom. And were you to eliminate that which holds back freedom, if you also recognize you are born free, then would you not be getting rid of something made from thought for something made inherently from nature given to you? This very process is meditation in an example, as well as abolitionism and the concept of no-thing-ness.
No-thing-ness, being that every thing we create starts in our mind, would insinuate we are not creating. This is not to say we never create, but it is to understand when we don't create. You wouldn't create a poison if you recognize it's a poison, you wouldn't create more children if you don't want children. The act of choice relies in what to have more of and what to have less of, but more accurately, what works and what doesn't work. For with what, it would be the given nature which gives rise to all things in any case. A thing refers to particularly a man made thing. To be free from "things" would leave only more room for nature. But to have things does not automatically insinuate that we aren't free, we only say we must be freed from things when those things are in the way of our freedom. In other words, we want freedom when the man made is in the way of nature. And as it is desire and attachment that would keep us holding onto that which may not actually serve us, our human bias will be our own fault if we cannot be flexible enough to learn from nature and change with nature. How can we learn from something that ever changes? We stay present. And in such way, attachment being of the past, cannot hold us and come to bind us. We still have attachments, but if it's natural, it comes so natural, it feels like no burden. In the same way, you may argue we will always have slavery, but if it's natural, it comes so natural, it feels like no slavery.
However, upon this mere analysis on nothingness, the value of letting go and having an open mind to see the unknown in order to find light, or see that which gives rise to all things, nothing to something, what is this knowledge in light of human government? Are governments flexible with the times, like water, flowing at the lowest of places yet nourishing everything? Does it provide freedom or get in the way of freedom? Well as we know it is not water, nor nature, it is not the source of freedom and it is man made, it is a thing. Yet furthermore, if we try to distinguish what such a thing is, we have no conception of it, perhaps some people and some buildings. So what is it really? It is a thought, and one many people have, it is a belief system. Does it give room for silence and letting us listen to nature, or what nature provides to us, that being our own conscience and personal decision making? Well, it takes on many forms, so we'd need to get clear on the basis of every thought in human government. If you look at the base, it is the belief in authority, it is statism. And that basic idea is creating something in nature, in man, that does not naturally exist, and ensuring that it must exist, whether people like it or not, with the ability to change reality in ways involving more things. For if it's proceedings did not involve more things, it would cease to become more of a seemingly thing within itself, taking claim to hold all of land, people and businesses. Yet, it takes hold with no proof other than some scribbles on paper, basically "because I said so" with an imagined “authority” from the masses of people who are also trained into such belief system. If they need to be trained to believe in it, and force complied to go along with it, how is it natural to persist in existence and how is it natural to use? Well as history has repeatedly shown, the manifestation of statism, the state, never lasts and only leads to more of every problem in the world and the opposite of every expected solution. It's as if we are in direct opposition to a higher or more natural authority.
If nature is so complex and constantly changes, with each individual unique in their views, why would it help to impose one view on all the rest with violence? Any justification for violence would still not change the nature of the action, as individuals own themselves and pursue any life to their choice. Yet, those justifications and those order followers with their belief in authority to carry it out, are the most responsible for the problems in our world, not those few who give orders; and such would be the very nature of creating a problem that does not need to be, a blockade in an otherwise free and natural world. It is most evident when you notice how you must register your birth upon entering this world, even before you have the ability to do anything in your life. You must be pushed into the system so that the system is seemingly natural, but so that the freedom is hindered by the thing we call government. A thing which in reality is nothing, but unless you see nothing, you only see that thing.
This is the reality of most people in the world. They perceive the world through statism, they can't imagine a world without it, they never sat presently and inquired upon the natural world with them at all times universally. Whether they genuinely think about the natural world or better yet they just presently live with the natural world, they will have no thought that arises that says we must partake action in any statist political ritual. Yet, when they leave the natural world of thought, so it ever arises and they will make every justification to uphold what they think is a natural world since they were born into it and never took the time to consciously not think, or see the natural nothingness which ever borne us into being and allows us to create. You can accept the unknown and thus never fear, which in the same process is to accept the known and thus always love. You know you have your own heart, your own mind and your own body, keep it your own and recognize others’ own, and the unknown among them, so to love and not fear others as thyself, among the nature which we are ever interdependent with.