The one great work is not just mere work, and thus, it is actually not work. In the same way, the most logical position is not built on the premises that one needs logic. It is the foundation that matters. Say you are to work on building anything, without a foundation your work will not sustain and it will be toppled over by the next. That does mean your work may contribute to the next, but even more, it means your work is not the great work. A great work takes mastery, and mastery implies effortlessness.
A master in their craft creates awe in those around them, they engage with skill that others would need much more time in order to learn. Yet, while the master still is learning, for what they have learned is so common to their nature, they are one with their work that they don't even need to call it work. Hence we see the first moment where we see great work is not work. Would you want to do work on something you don't like? Would you not like something if you see its benefit? Say we are to assume our work does not have benefit, despite what benefit we think it should, then why do we still do it? And what benefit would it be if we just gave up? If we want to pursue the greatest work, would we give up?
The truth is, that which matters is known by the masters. Not the masters who claim authority but the masters who need not claim. Again, their work they don't even need to call work; if it weren't sustainable for them, it would not be sustainable for others. But what about the masters who claim authority (as via statism: theliberator.us/slavery)? They too do what sustains them and their family, they too engage in work that may not so much be work, as it is making false promises to those whom they rule or merely transferring by stealing what work has already been created by others. The difference is in the nature of mastery. The skill to deceive and rule over another is not the skill to rule over oneself and empower with knowledge. The direction is different, the motif is different, but ultimately, the morality is different. Morality refers to our relations among other people. When in the course of work do we not consider money, but rather, morality.
We can work on morality but even more so, we can work on the roots to morality, the relationship we have with oneself and others. The foundation gives rise to all things, much like the roots to a tree. Now, say we build a great work on morality itself, we define and get clear on every detail, so we have a perfected structure. Well, like any structure, no matter how grand nor perfected in our own heads, it will fall. It falls not because of our wrongness, but too, the roots to wrongness, our ignorance of the bigger picture. You can not build a structure at all and have no place to live, or you can have a structure which you built so much in order to have an attachment toward it, therefore suffering when you don't have it or when it goes away or it's not maintained the way you want. This fundamental discontent and need for complexity turns what seems like a great work, into a work soon nobody remembers or that which simply gets lost in translation, if not the physical world of nature itself. Therefore, if we truly want to partake in the one great work, it is one great work of no work. It is seeing the foundations of all work. It is seeing that all things empty in their nature, makes things actually useful. It is realizing you cannot hold onto your ideology and identity, or the past and future, it is being completely open and present.
However, to put this into practice, it is the very opposite of creating, but rather embracing. For instance, instead of imposing upon someone what is right, we allow them to pursue what is right in their own mind as long as they don't impose upon your own mind. This gives greater light to the golden rule, which is not a definition, but a mere observation of synchronicity within the universe. It is then seeing the law, of reflection and correspondence in all things. And the more we try to explain such things with words, we may find ourselves with a work not so great, as we come to realize the foundations of words themselves. The minute we get stuck, the building no longer builds or time catches up to speed and the building falls as it would have anyways; the work is not in getting stuck in the very first place, because that would insulate we can't flow and align to the natural law of change. And the only we don't get stuck is not just to make sure we aren't in our own way but simultaneously to allow nature rather than attempting to control nature.
Would the master get stuck? No, for they are the master. They need not even speak much. They need not others, we may even say that they need not themselves, they need nothing because they simply are, they simply be. And the truth, it simply is. And for what we know of nature, we only know by not getting stuck and taking the time to reflect, which allows us to create in the very first place. Logic and work will only get someone so far before they realize the real work is with knowing non-action and open embrace. Work hard on the unworked and you will realize it is the unworked, hard in the world of work, easy in the world.