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Touchy Subject Indeed, Open Question... What TRULY Is Anti-Semitism?

Daniel Arnold

Personal Testimony (Me): I want to be clear. When I say I am against anti-Semitism, I really mean I am AGAINST ALL anti-Semitism. Violence against ALL beings aside, I am against violence towards ALL Semitic people. Here is a quick synopsis of violence against Semitic people only going as far back as 1917. Some of this is from mere google searches, but I highly recommend reading books and historical documents. Resist the urge to react to the “fake news,” and seek to understand your own political, racial, and religious biases. We have all had them – its ok, be aware of them and educate yourselves, or bad things may occur again. The following is information that begs questions to be asked.

From Google: The Balfour Declaration (“Balfour’s promise” in Arabic) was a public pledge by Britain in 1917 declaring its aim to establish “a national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British Government in 1917 during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population there. The declaration was contained in a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Z*onist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. The text of the declaration was published in the press on 9 November 1917. At the peak of Hitlers power in 1942, murder of Semitic Jews intensified to what is now known as the Holocaust in which 6 million Semitic Jewish men, woman, and children were marched into ovens and burned alive. World War II caused approximately 87 million people their lives, of those 17 million were Semitic Jews. These were Semitic Jews who are cousin blood to the Palestinian Semitic peoples. World War Two ended in 1945. On May 14th, 1948 the State of Israel was declared. It was a momentous event, marking the culmination of decades of Jewish nationalist’s aspirations, and the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Me: My questions about this and the repeated pattern of violence humanity has leveled towards our own species are only partially to invoke more in-depth thinking about why there has been so much violence leveled at Semitic blood lines.

Q: Are the Palestinian people Semitic as well?

A: According to a simple google search (again I strongly recommend reading and research besides google) the Palestinian people are also a Semitic people: I asked AI this question and here is the answer provided: “Yes, Palestinians are considered a Semitic people. The term ‘Semitic’ refers to a family of languages, including Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic, as well as the ethnic groups that speak these languages. The Palestinian people primarily speak Arabic, which is a Semitic language, and they are part of the broader Semitic ethnic and linguistic group.”

I then asked AI what other groups fall into the Semitic category, and it answered the following: Arabs: Including many groups across the Middle East and North Africa. Jews: Primarily associated with the Hebrew language (these are the Semitic Jews). Assyrians: An ethnic group that speaks a Neo-Aramaic language and originates from the region of Mesopotamia. Amharas and Tigrayans: Ethnic groups in Ethiopia speaking Amharic and Tigrinya, respectively. Phoenicians: An ancient Semitic-speaking civilization that lived along the coastal region of modern-day Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine, and modern-day Isreal. Canaanites: Were a Semitic speaking cultural group who that lived in Canan comprising Lebanon, southern Syria, Palestine.

**It is worth noting that the Phoenicians and Canaanites are the modern-day Palestinians, and they spoke both Arabic and a form of Hebrew. Also worth noting that this is admittedly only a small amount of google research that matches up with more in-depth research I had previously done. I am A-political. I do not vote. Also, I am not religious, I am instead spiritual in that I do believe in a creative conscious force aka God with a capital G as opposed to all the lower-case g variants whose followers murder one another because they don’t agree about what happens to each other after they die.

My main curiosity or 3 questions are these:

1.) With the current day current day atrocities of the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Semitic Palestinian men, woman, and children, by modern day Israelites - what is it about the Semites, or possibly their blood lines that keeps people of mostly Western European bloodlines murdering them?

2.) What is it about the middle east that every time there is a new archaeological discovery or significant research being conducted there, wars or armed conflict (driving and keeping researches out of those areas for their own safety) seem to occur?

3.) In a nutshell, what would humanity have to learn that would definitively stop world violence, the initiation of harm to others (we are one race-the human race) and theft?

As an additional question of curiosity, what are Hitler’s ties with the occult and why did he send his military to Antarctica? I would ask anyone reading this to consider the above 5 in total questions. If you can find these answers, we will finally as an entire species know what true freedom and peace is.

Editor note from Cory: Let us not forget about Statism, I would argue it may have some answers for each question concerning suppression or division and conflict, as the greatest religion of all. Learn about it here: 

Richard Price on Patriotism: “What was the love of their country among the Jews, but a wretched partiality to themselves, and a proud contempt of all other nations? What was the love of their country among the old Romans? We have heard much of it; but I cannot hesitate in saying that, however great it appeared in some of its exertions, it was in general no better than a principle holding together a band of robbers in their attempts to crush all liberty but their own.”

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